DiversIT Europe
Jan 29, 2016 Testing Neo4j 3 with embedded server with Bolt Together with colleague Stijn van Drunen we’re working on a project where we’re using Neo4j 3 since we want to use Neo4j’s new binary Bolt driver.
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Dec 11, 2015 Building JavaCPP presets for OpenCV 3 for Raspberry Pi (linux-arm) To speed up image processing in a Java/Scala application on a Raspberry Pi, we resorted to ‘opencv’. OpenCV already provides native Java binding. The disadvantage of this is however, that you manually must load those native libraries in your Java application.
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Tags:java javacpp opencv raspberry-pi
Nov 13, 2015 Video - Fast REST API building with Unfiltered Presentation on Devoxx 2015 about Unfiltered
In need of building a new api fast? Come and have a look at Unfiltered, a Scala Http request toolkit with which you can create and run a rest api in just 4 lines! During this Quickie I’ll demonstrate some of the usages of Unfiltered, from some simple endpoints to a fully Akka clustered application.
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Tags:conference devoxx presentation rest scala
Sep 4, 2015 Chaining rejection handlers To serve some resources via Spray, it’s as easy as using the ‘getFromFile’ directive. If you want to fall back to an alternative because the file is not available, you can define a RejectionHandler to serve an alternative file.
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Tags:scala spray
Jul 8, 2015 Using Akka Http to perform a Rest call and deserialise json I have been playing with Akka Streams and Akka Http to create a flow to get some data from a public Rest endpoint and deserialize the json using Json4s.
Since there are not that many examples yet, and documentation only has a few examples, I’m sharing my little app here.
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Tags:akka akka-http akka-streams json
Jul 4, 2015 Selecting a time database For a new play project, I want to use a time series database to visualise gathered data over time and time be able to use functions like sum/div/etc on the time series data. I thought I could just pick a database and start coding on my project, but instead I ended up spending several evenings trying out several databases to find the right one for my needs.
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Tags:database grafana grafite influxdb prometheus time_series_database
May 30, 2015 Workshop - Dive into Scala Workshop on NextBuild 2015
Scala is the fastest growing language on the JVM. It’s both OO and Functional and has build-in support for easily writing concurrent application to maximise the use of all your resources. Want to learn about Scala and get started right away? Then this university session is for you! Via live coding, I’ll show you how to setup a new project and you’ll learn thought code about many Scala features like Traits, Case Classes, Pattern Maching, Implicits, Currying, Lambdas, etc, but also about SBT and how to use Scala in a Java project. Bring your laptop, with SBT and Scala preinstalled, so you can follow along!
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Tags:conference nextbuild presentation scala
Apr 20, 2015 Presentation - Why and what is Scala Here another presentation I gave for my customer to introduce Java developers to Scala and show the features Scala adds to Java
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Tags:presentation scala
Sep 11, 2014 Presentation - Intro into Scala for Java developers On the first meetup of the Brabant Scala meetup group, I gave a presentation ‘Intro to Scala for (Java) developers’
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Tags:presentation scala
Feb 2, 2013 Presentation - Intro into Scala Here is a presentation is gave for my customers to introduce Java developers to Scala and show the features Scala adds to Java
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Tags:presentation scala